【#WhiskyLive】”IB Speyside 19歲之切磋”

Posted by Dennis Lee on

SMWS 54.52 (Aberlour) 2nd fill ex-Sauternes Barrique
SMWS 39.151 (Linkwood) 1st fill ex-PX Sherry Butt

#ScotchMaltWhiskySociety #OpenSecret #DistilleryCode #IndependentBottler #IB #協會酒 #酒莊密碼 #木桶編號 #公開的秘密

“Linkwood的花香及香葉味較Aberlour特出,收結有明顯的乾果和朱古力味,全因用上ex-Oloroso 木桶 (Butt) 加上第一次用 (1st Fill) 的ex-Pedro Ximenez 葡萄 (PX) 些利酒桶 (Butt) 來陳年;感覺就像在草原吃着一排車厘子黑朱古力,躺著望住天空及花瓣的飄揚。

Aberlour的熟果香既澎湃又悠長,就如標籤說的一樣,我直接聯想起Krispy Kreme鎮店之寶,我一直最愛的Boston Cream。在木桶方面這支54.52用上了Bourbon桶 (Hogshead) 加上二手 (2nd Fill) 法國波爾多甜酒 Sauternes桶 (Barrique) 來陳年,美點雙輝,飯後一漂亮的點綴。


“The main differences of the two 19 years golden droplets mainly strikes from the cask they used and the style of their initial house spirit; the Linkwood one (39.151) is more floral and grassy in style, with the sweet kick comes directly from the first fill ex PX sherry butt finishing.

The Aberlour (54.52)on the other hand is very tropical fruit driven, the dessert character of it comes directly from the ex Sauternes barrique, which to me paint a beautiful picture of a Boston Creme donut, one of the signature donut from the Krispy Kreme Joint.

Both 19 years are at their perfect pitch of balance with both a wonderful long after taste, the complexity level to me strikes a perfect score in my whisky appreciation journey.”

#everydayfinewhisky #whiskylive #linkwood #aberlour #horizontalTasting #winelive #everydayfinewine

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